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/ Guide

Building Websites Without HTML Knowledge

Being knowledgable in HTML or any other coding language is not necessary in order to build an awesome looking web-site. The trick is to keep it concise, simple, avoid clutter and try to work with the prefabricated tools and designs that are available rather than trying to get exactly what you had imagined. If you really want to make your site appear the way you’ve imagined, then you should consider learning HTML, or hiring someone else to build the site for you.

Don’t be scared about using the stock designs/tools as they can end up looking very nice. Plan to keep it simple and you should have no problem building a basic web-site at Blogspot, Myspace or any one of hundreds of similar places on the net. The trick is to plan your information around the format that is presented. Choosing the correct template to base that on is vital so consider looking at lots of different templates to find the one that fits you. If you can’t find one that suits you, you should really consider building your own. Your website is almost like a virtual home, you should be comfortable in it!

When you pick a name for your web address, you can buy a top level domain at a very reasonable annual rate ($5-$40) or you can have it hosted for free with some limitations (less freedom in the content for example).

The web address is an important piece of information that you need to have if you want to become an expert in the web field apart from adequate knowledge regarding costo sito web and what role it would play in the level playing field so that the annual rate remains stagnant and the site is given security.

 Make sure to choose the right name for your site for a few reasons:

  • The name itself will factor into the way your site is indexed by Google and other search engines. A site about fishing boats will get a better recognition by the indexing bots if it is at, than it will if it’s at
  • Like product marketing, the name should be easy to remember and appealing. Short is not always necessary. The site may actually be better than because it’s easier to recall and it gives the user a better idea of what kind of content the site will contain.

Once you’ve picked your name and chosen your template you can go to work modifying the template to market your product, or tell your story and ideas. When you use the site-builder provided by your hosting company keep the changes to a minimum because complex changes can create clutter and ruin the aesthetic qualities of your site. Naturally you can always start over from scratch. Nothing is visible on the web until you save the file and nobody will see it until you tell them its’ location.

So that’s the next big project. Once you’ve gotten your information on to their template so it looks good and clicks from page to page and back, you must begin to advertise. Make little changes or additions to your page at least a couple of times a week to keep it fresh, and promote, promote, promote! Put the site URL on business cards. Put it on the back window of your car. Submit it to search engines. Make a link from your social networking sites. Join link exchange sites. Ask owners of similar sites to place a link to your site.

If you find you want to build a more complex site, you can download software that will do it for you, but the outcome is code which is laden with tons of extra characters and tags. My experience is that it’s much easier to learn HTML than it is to learn to use one of these page building programs. Whatever your choices, have fun and always strive to reach your vision. Always save what you have in a safe place before you start modifying your page, just in case you can’t get your new ideas to work. If you find yourself frustrated, try to simplify the design rather than squeeze your new ideas onto a template where they do not fit.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The internet is a hotbed of ideas and knowledge. Utilize it! A simple search will bring up plenty of tutorials for whatever you plan to do and if you really need it, ask on a forum.

/ Health & Wellness

CBD Oil- Facts to Enhance Knowledge

While it has generally been said that everything is in the hands of destiny, it is also true that human beings are the owners of their body and therefore it is their responsibility to take keep it safe from the horde of diseases that have plagued mankind for ages.

But the problem is that humans are lazy and lethargic by nature as it is engraved in their psyche that they have descended into this world to rule it and are therefore entitled to call the shots by living life on their own terms.

So it should come as no surprise that diseases take to their body as fish to water and you have a long line of cases where people start falling sick right from a tender age and this has to be dealt with sooner than later.

Way Out

What needs to be seen is that regardless of the carelessness people have over their health, there are some others who are fitness freaks and start exercising caution right from childhood and it is none more evident than the current generation which has taken to hitting the gym and eating healthy and nutritious food.

CBD Oil is an interesting point to take into consideration and it has its origins that date back to 2900 BC and is extracted from cannabis plants located in hill stations where the climate is pleasant enough to let it prosper without harm.

It has been found through extensive research that it was one of the best medicines to be utilized in the ancient times when the kings of different countries were wounded in battle or fell ill.

While its theory of healing wounds is matter of debate, its utility factor as a perfect remedy for different kinds of ailments is well known and the experts of pharmacy are still conducting research in their laboratories to find out more about its hidden properties on what other uses it can be put to.

Keeping the above points in mind, it is seen as a way out for people who want to rid all the diseases in their life but most are not very familiar with it due to it being a product of cannabis.

Benefits and Limitations

Therefore, it is important to mention some important points so as to clear the air regarding the doubts about CBD oil:

  1. It reduces anxiety, depression and stress to a large extent
  2. It provides immense relief from joint and muscle pain, especially for old folks who are aged and whose bones aren’t strong enough to withstand pressure
  3. It is a perfect remedy for cancer patients as it reduces the after effects of chemotherapy

For more benefits of CBD oil, head over to CBD Fable website.

Side Effects:

  1. Diarrhea is the most common symptom if the oil is used in excess
  2. There is a loss of appetite for some time and greatly alters the weight depending on the usage
  3. Fatigue is another symptom that is found if CBD Oil is used for a prolonged period

All in all, it is one of the best remedies that modern mankind can have in these times which is quite a tough period.

/ Guide

What Are Optical Band Stop Filters For?

Most people today use optical band stop filters without even knowing it. People may not know what this is in technical terms but we are quite familiar with it in terms of its uses. In this article, we are going to discuss what optical band stop filers really are and what they are really used for. 

What Is An Optical Band Stop Filter?

A band stop filter is sometimes called a notch filter. The main task of this device is to reject and block frequencies that is positioned between two cut-off frequency points. 

Now that doesn’t really seem to make any sense. So, let’s put these terms into proper application. Optical band stop filter is a device that is often used in electronic and radio frequency equipment. To be more specific, you can take a look at some of the real-life uses of optical band stop filter below:

  • Speaker systems
  • Public address systems
  • Telephone technology

Optical band stop filter is typically used as a line noise reducer during cases of signal transmission.

  • DSL and other internet services

Without optical band stop filter, we won’t be able to enjoy the internet this smoothly. The job of this device is to combat disruptions to our internet connection.

  • Guitar amplifiers

In this particular scenario, the task of the optical band stop filter is to prevent the instrument from creating humming sounds as you play the guitar while it is plugged at the electronic device. 

  • Radios and other communication devices

The optical band stop filter is used to prevent the production of specific interference which we specifically know as noise or feedback. Without this device, we wouldn’t be able to communicate appropriately due to the immense number of noises during the communication transaction. 

  • Medical equipment
  • Image and signaling process units

Optical Filtering

The optical band stop filter can do its job in two ways. The first one is through diffraction. This means it will be using an optical system to selectively redirect wavelengths of light. A slit can be used to choose which wavelengths are desired. On the other hand, reflective grating can also be used to attain the same purpose. In this case, however, instead of transmitting the light, it will be reflected. 

The second way for optical band filter to do its job is through filtering by interference. When you use optics with real materials, what happens is that light is attenuated at various wavelengths. One can also utilize an oscillating reflecting surface. This, in turn, will create a destructive interference with the reflected light. 

Optical band stop filter is indeed a wonderful invention. If you are someone who works with electronics, this is certainly something that will come in handy for you. But take note that this isn’t something that you can just pick out in the market and buy. The first thing you need to know is the requirements your devices and electronics need. To do that, you need to be assisted by a real professional and we know just the guy. We invite you to check out

/ Gaming

Pokemon Go: How To Get Smeargle Catching Tips Revealed With Warning

Pokémon Go is one of the most played Android games of all time. Not only is it fun to play but very engaging and interesting as well. There are hundreds of pokemon characters that you are required to collect, fight gym battles and establish your supremacy over other the players. One of the most elusive and rarely found character in the game is Smeargle.

Yes! You must have already heard about it but couldn’t manage to catch it till now. Isn’t it? Well, not many players have had that luck. It appears in a quite unique way and you have to make use of the in-game snapshot feature for catching Smeargle before it disappears.

Check out in today’s blog how you can catch Smeargle. Or you can check out Pokemon go accounts for sale that have collected Smeargle.

Steps To Catch Smeargle In Pokémon Go

Smeargle is a time-limited character in the game and that is why you have to be very careful and sharp while catching it. You cannot miss a single opportunity or else you never know when it will appear once again. Here are the steps you need to follow and catch it.

  • Open the Snapshot mode in the game with any pokemon of your choice.
  • Now take the pictures of the Pokémon and turn of the AR+ mode to make the process easier than before.
  • Exit the snapshot mode and review the images that you just took using it.
  • During this very time, if you are lucky enough, you will find Smeargle or Detective Pikachu appear right infront.
  • In case Smeargle appears, you will get the chance to catch it on the screen using your Poke ball on the map.
  • Don’t miss your shot and catch the Pokémon at the very first attempt.
  • If Smeargle does not appear after following these steps, you have to repeat them once again till it does.

Continue to follow the steps till the time Smeargle does appear in front of you.

How Many Attempts Does It Take?

Based on the attempts of several players around the world, it takes some serious attempts to catch Smeargle. However, if your luck is on your part, then you can get it quickly. For most players, an average of 30 photos over a period of 10 attempts were necessary in order to catch the Smeargle. 

Unfortunately, some players had to take more than 20+ attempts before they could catch it. The key is to keep trying and carry out the process accurately in a regular basis. In case it has been days Smeargle does not shows up, you can take a break and start afresh. Be assured, that you will surely come across it and when it does, make the most out of it.

So, here are the important steps which you have to follow in order to catch Smeargle. Make sure to go through them and let us know whether you managed to catch Smeargle.

/ Health & Wellness

Healthy Lifestyle Changes and Weight Loss

Fitness tips for anyone

I know people are usually in a panic about getting themselves fit for summer during the springtime. Forgotten exercising, pounds gained from sitting at computers at work, and overindulgence in heavy winter stews and comfort foods don’t help any, either. But fitness is not about taking some extreme measures by joining an expensive gym or resolving to go on a fitness binge. It’s really about healthy living year-round and using healthy products such as idealica цена. What are some of the things that anyone and everyone can incorporate into their lives to make for a fitter, trimmer body, and for better overall health?

First, and this is absolutely crucial, come exercise. I know this is can be the hardest component of getting into decent shape, but it’s really essential. People don’t have to take out expensive gym memberships to get some weight training. The one simplest and most enjoyable exercise we can do is walk. Walk up and down stairs instead of taking the elevator. Walk to a corner store instead of driving. If there’s a park nearby, walk around it several times with a pedometer that can count calories, measure heart rate, and even measure distance walked according to a number of steps. Walking should be a part of everyone’s life and there’s just no reason not to schedule a routine walk for at least 30 minutes to an hour three times a week, minimum. Once in a routine, it becomes difficult to stop it. It makes us feel better and more upbeat, gets our blood flowing, our hearts pumping, and it oxygenates our bodies and tones muscles.

Another exercise trick is not really a trick. Buy one of the large exercise balls at any local gym, physical therapy office, or a Target store. They’re all over the place. If you haven’t used one of these balls for exercising, you’re really in for a big surprise. They make doing crunches and other target exercises a breeze, really! They take the pressure off having to get down on a mat and ease the strain in backs. Get your ball with an instruction manual that gives pictorial demonstrations of how to do specific exercises and what areas of the body they tone and trim. An exercise ball and weights can make a lot of difference when we need to trim certain problem areas, like the upper arms. Using 3-lb. to 5-lb.hand-held weights make a walking workout accomplish specific areas in the upper body possible while working the legs, hips, and waist work the lower body.

Another aspect of getting into shape is eating, of course. There are some general principles that should govern anyone’s eating habits. Never buy pre-prepared foods at the supermarket. Not only are they laden with salt and fat, but they have all sorts of empty calories. Read some of the Stauffer labels sometimes and it will stun you. Americans purchase so much junk food and so many packaged meals it’s a wonder we still have any health left at all. If you are in that habit, stop it right now. Begin purchasing fresh, raw vegetables-not frozen or canned vegetables– and steaming or cooking them in light olive oil. Olive oil is the staff of life in the Mediterranean areas and it’s delicious on salads, and as a light drizzle on pasta or even crusty whole wheat bread with some fresh herbs. Eat plenty of garlic, too. It has been proven to help blood pressure and aid digestion. Another change that can be made for good health is to eat at least three servings of fatty fish a week, if possible. These include mackerel, salmon, and tuna. There are more, but doing a google search for “fatty fish” should bring up a good list. Why fatty fish? These are the cold-water fish that are richest in the omega-3 fatty acids so essential to good health. They improve the functioning of our bodies, are good for the heart and all the joints, so can make a world of difference to those who suffer from arthritis.

Also, begin substituting good old water into your diet. Some say water can be replaced by coffee and other drinks, but the medical community is pretty much in agreement that drinking about 6 8-oz glasses of water a day is a healthy way to help stay full and to hydrate your entire body, including the skin. It’s just plain good for you all over. Avoid sugar, honey, and even artificial sweeteners whenever possible. Oh, sure, we all want a little something sweet once in a while, but many people don’t read labels and don’t realize how much of that hellish corn syrup and cornstarch are added to all sorts of food. They are a major component of lots of children’s fruit punches. Feeding children anything called “fruit punch” is insanity. It’s just begging to get them addicted to sweeteners, to be on the road to obesity, and there’s little food value in these drinks. Instead of drinking even fresh fruit juices, gradually switch over to eating whole, fresh fruit when it is in season. With access to seasonal vegetables and fruit shipped worldwide these days, there’s no reason not to enjoy whole fruit all year long. It will provide the fiber that juice doesn’t and fiber cleanses the body and adds bulk, filling up the belly. Try to buy bread and cereals-if you must buy cereals-that have the most fiber compared to their counterparts.

Next, avoid the white stuff. That’s right, I said white stuff-white flour, bread, rolls, crackers, potatoes, rice, and even pasta. These are terrible on the body because they raise blood sugar even worse than plain sugar does. The body compensates by flooding the blood with insulin and the yo-yo effect of this adds to weight gain. Potatoes and white pastries, bread, and pasta also have very little fiber. Try to get used to buying nothing but whole wheat or other whole grain products. Purchase long-grain brown rice or Basmati Brown rice. Believe me, they’re much tastier.

Last, have you ever thought of drinking your vitamins? Making smoothies in the morning can give a lift that’s absolutely delightful. Throw pineapple, apple, blueberries, strawberries, kiwis, cranberries, bananas, and yogurt into a blender and add some ground flaxseed to it. Flaxseed is rich in another omega acid, omega-6, and it acts with the omega-3 to nourish the body in all sorts of ways-hair and skin are nourished, as are the heart and circulatory system. The omega acids are wonderful for the muscles, joints, and bones too. All the berry families are incredibly loaded with fiber and have phytonutrients that are almost like little vitamin pills in an orchard. Drinking a fresh smoothie every day should provide as many vitamins as you need, but there’s nothing wrong with supplementing with multi-vitamin pills. Just make sure that they’re right for your age category and do some research. I take vitamin C religiously every single day as well. It’s also possible to add Omegas to the diet with supplemental pills if people don’t expect to eat fish three times a week. These pills are made from fish oil and they usually don’t have a fish taste now.

The last change that really can make a lot of difference in both weight loss and overall health is to never, ever eat after 7 p.m. If you follow just this one rule, it’s possible to slowly lose some weight over time. If this becomes a habit along with exercise and wise food choices it’s pretty much guaranteed that people will lose weight and feel better. No food after 7 will mean that you aren’t loading your body down with lots of calories when the body is winding down and doesn’t want to digest them.

/ Home Improvement

Virtual Private Network- Master of Thesis in the Software Field

Where would we be without technology to show us the way and make sure that we are treading on the right path as a developed nation, which is most essential to march ahead of more than 200 countries on this planet?

Mere words cannot explain how technology has changed our lives for the better where nothing seems impossible if you have the right tools, right set of people and above all, the right time to achieve your target.

Today, technology has advanced to a great extent and it is virtually impossible to imagine life without it but it is equally important to mention the software field alongwith the team of scientists who have made distant dreams become a reality.

Internet Phenomenon

When it comes to technology, there is little that can be said without mentioning Charles Babbage, universally acknowledged as the ‘Father of Computer’, to whom goes the credit of revolutionizing the software field by bringing in a new invention called computer to make certain things easier.

Then came the internet in the 1980s when the world got to know about websites how information can be looked up and ascertained online even though Google was many years away.

Here was a machine which people initially mistook to be a calculator in that it could solve difficult mathematical calculations in a jiffy, atleast at that time, little did anyone know how far it would come and shape the lives of many individuals by turning the career prospects of job deprived youngsters.

The internet is one phenomenon that keeps getting better and better with the passing of each decade by pushing the boundaries of technology further than they have ever been pushed and today in 2020, there are talks of the digital medium taking over from human brain in the coming times in the form of Artificial Intelligence.

Network Connection

Virtual Private Network is something that anyone with basic knowledge of internet and software is familiar with because it is available in almost every household these days where people can send and receive data at a faster speed compared to Local Area Network (LAN).

VPN is not viewed as reliable for people who are new to this network but once they see the benefits for themselves, they take to it easily without fuss as even they realize that you can’t do without private network connection in the 21st century.

Some important ways to use VPN are as follows:

  1. Install a router after opening VPN account because once it’s done, there is no need for other devices to have a software installed unless you have public Wi-Fi installed
  2. While VPN subscription can be divided as far as budget factor goes, it is best to use the one where you can pay annually because monthly payment will lead to rise in costs
  3. VPN services that are encrypted can drain the battery of your device so take care to install a portable battery beforehand otherwise it can be disastrous

For the best VPN services, you can visit the website where you can find various models that you can choose based on preference and budget.

/ Guide

How to Decorate on a Budget

In times of having a lack of discretionary funds for things like curtains, furniture or art for your home, we tend to go without.

We all know the drill; we drive up to the back of the store and open our trunk while the associates assist us in unloading our unwanted goods. We feel good about donating to such causes but the true treasure and support of this cause does not lie in simply dropping off what we don’t need but rather is inside the store in what we want! Visit your local Goodwill frequently, each store differs in the days it puts out new merchandise. Know your color wheel! The colored tags indicate different discount levels for different days of the week. Always search for the tag color with the highest discounts. Some stores allow you to place items on hold. If the piece you want won’t be discounted until the next day, ask to have it put on hold and then come in to purchase it, and pay even less. Think carefully about items you have donated to organizations similar to Goodwill in the past-your things came from a clean, well organized home and were probably in decent condition. Take advantage of items someone else just like you took the time to donate.


This auction web site is one we all know well. It can be overwhelming with the number of items up for bid; however, if you are patient and know how to properly search and bid you can definitely save enough to go out and buy yourself a latte! Always search by brand name if possible. For example, if you have a favorite candle company-go to their website first, find the scent or décor piece you are interested in. Then go back to Ebay and type in that same title, your search will be drilled down to the exact piece you are looking for. The key to really saving money is to find auctions that are either offering free shipping or sellers that are located near you. If they are near you, send them an email asking to negotiate the shipping by using pick up. Never bid on something if the price of the shipping will be more than the amount you are bidding, if you do that you might as well purchase the item at the department store for more money. Instead of bidding right away, put the item on your “watch list,” and take note of the auction expiration date and time. When you know the auction is going to end in 15 minutes, go in and get ready! Place your first bid, less then what you are willing to pay. When the clock strikes the 5 minute warning, go in and refresh. If you have been outbid, bid again, then refresh every minute until you hit 1 minute. If within 1 minute you have been outbid, bid one more time, then keep refreshing. Yes it may seem daunting, but the adrenaline rush from the excitement and the money you will save will be well worth the clicking of the mouse!


A computer desk for $10, an oversized chair with an ottoman $80, a brand new armoire $85; all one can say at those prices is WOW. When contacting a seller on Craigslist, always use their preferred method of contact. If they say to call, chances are they are not next to their email a lot during the day and will be most reachable by phone. If you email and wait, you may miss out. Always ask if they are willing to deliver-even if it says pick up only. Many times for a couple extra dollars, they are willing to help you out. Do not buy something for pick up only if you are going to have to rent a truck. This will cause you to spend a great deal more on the item and definitely more of a headache. Wait until you find something that you can either pick up with your own vehicle or the seller is kind enough to deliver. Nothing like great customer service!

Social Networking

Who knew this could be a way to score some truly amazing stuff! Use your contacts to network your way into that amazing leather couch or nursery furniture. Using your status updates or broadcast feeds on the various social networking sites, post about what you are looking for, and ask your friends to repost it to their own networks. It is amazing how many people were just thinking about selling their leather couch so that they could get that new sectional they have had their eye on. Now that they know someone may be interested, they will kick that plan into full gear.

This is perhaps the most foolproof way to let other people know as social media is a huge medium that helps in connecting with people from various parts of the world and there might be some who would consider a gaming chair at chairthrone if the status is put out.

Other Great Finds

It’s been said time and time again, but just to reiterate the great known fact-garage sales! Yes, get out of bed early on a Saturday and put on the coffee because you are going hunting for a deal! Those cardboard signs with marker messages lead the way to valuable treasures. Make the stop you will be glad you did.

The sad fact is that many small businesses are going out of business due to economic hardships. Watch your local newspaper, and definitely watch for the teenager that was hired to hold the neon orange sign on the side of the road pointing you to their going out of business sale. The closer it gets to their final day open-the better the deals you will find.

Everyone has their own individual style. Financial strain doesn’t have to mean that we settle for grandma’s teal and pink rose covered couch anymore. There are so many options for living in our homes the way we want to. Yes, it takes a little more searching, patience, and focus; however, the end result will be well worth the effort.

/ Tips

Caring for Elderly Senior Citizens: Choose Your Battles

We have been caring for my 84-year-old mother-in-law in our home after she broke her back. My husband and I have learned some good lessons about performing custodial care for an elderly person or senior citizen. Right from choosing their toiet frame to making their lives more comfortable. I’m writing a series of articles based on our experiences with in-home care of disabled, senior citizens. Today’s topic: Choose Your Battles. Whether your elderly loved one is suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, or hardening of the arteries, all of which cause confusion and incoherence, or if your elderly loved one has all her faculties and is functioning well mentally, there are some common care issues.

Caring for a senior citizen, especially one who is recuperating from an illness or injury is similar in some ways to caring for a child. You have to set boundaries, help them make decisions, and be their advocate, as you would a child. It is essential also, to maintain respect also. The difference between caring for a child and an elderly person is that your elderly loved one has lived for 75+ years. They have established their own system of performing activities. If a senior citizen gets ill or experiences injury it doesn’t change the way they like to do things. Sometimes they will listen to their physician or therapist and sometimes they refuse. When they refuse, it may be due to the medications they are taking or it may be that they don’t understand why they need to change. Some senior citizens are more stubborn than others also. Women tend to be more obedient than men. I’m glad that it’s my mother-in-law I have to care for and not any of the men in my life. My father is the poster child for stubbornness. I can only imagine the battles I’d have if I had to care for him (I love you, Dad, but you know it’s true). One way or the other, however, the medical profession will expect you to follow through with their orders. A professional medical person with experience dealing with elderly people understands this dilemma that most seniors and senior caregivers experience.

Here is a plan that has worked for us when my mother-in-law has been unwilling to do what her medical caregivers suggest. For example, her occupational therapist has given her some exercises that she doesn’t want to perform. First of all, we stay very encouraging and positive. We let her talk. We are very careful not to belittle, shame, or nag her, or make her feel that we are doing any of those things. We let her explain to us why she doesn’t want to do certain exercises. We explain very carefully why the exercises are important and try to avoid patronizing her. Sometimes, she just didn’t completely understand the reasoning or how to do the exercises. If the exercises were given to her in a medicated state, she often has difficulty remembering how to perform the exercises.

When all is said and done, if she performs the exercises or not, we don’t remind her, nag her or pester her about them. This makes her feel backed in a corner. Basically, we choose our battles. It’s not worth it to upset and frustrate her; and furthermore, we find that she will do the exercises much more willingly if she knows that we trust her to make her own decisions.

All the best to you and you and your loved ones.

/ Guide

Kwikset SmartKey Door Knob

Have you ever locked yourself out of your car or home? Isn’t it the worst feeling ever? I recently locked myself out of our home, and I had to pay a locksmith $130 to open my door and let me in. It happened so easily, and with the kind of door knob we had, it can happen to anyone.

Our entry way door has a lock on it, the type that you need a key to open, but the poor design allowed me to open the door even when it was locked. I did so, went about my business, and when I returned home a few hours later I was locked out of my own home. If you have children in your home, the lock could easily be turned accidentally by them, and this scenario could be a very real one for you as well.

I vowed that would not happen to me again, and went immediately to my local Home Depot and Lowe’s stores to look for entry door knobs that would not open my door from the inside when it was locked. Both stores carried almost the identical line of products, but Lowe’s was several dollars cheaper than Home Depot, so that is where I made my purchase. I only found one door knob that had the feature I wanted, and it was the Kwikset SmartKey Door Knob.

Believe me I had not come across a better brand in the recent past and was floored by how slick the knob was to touch and feel and Kwikset Smarkey became a favorite brand for me and so I decided to have the best tools from Makita for this job. For more info, you can see the latest Makita impact driver range online.

This Kwikset SmartKey Door Knob came in a variety of finishes, I bought the brushed bronze to match the rest of the doors in our home. It comes with a lifetime guarantee, is anti-tarnish, and is guaranteed to fit. The SmartKey feature allows you to re-key your lock, so if a key is stolen or not returned to you, you can change the tumblers inside the locking mechanism, and you don’t have to change out your entire door knob, you just change the keys.

To install the Kwikset SmartKey Door Knob, you only need a screwdriver. I am a 54 year old woman, and I was able to do this by by myself. The latch is adjustable, and fits 2 3/8″ or 2 3/4″ brackets. It also fits doors that measure from 1 3/8″ to 1 3/4″.

The kit retailed for only $25.00, and contains entry knob, adjustable latch, mounting hardware, two keys, SmartKey tool, drilling template, and illustrated instructions. The latch has both the rectangular shaped and the round shaped latch. The rectangular shaped latch is installed with two screws, so it is more secure. I will say that I did not find the instructions to be very clear, I just paid close attention to how the knob that I was removing was installed.

If you find the need to rekey your SmartKey lock, there are clear instructions for this step. You insert the key into the lock, rotate it a one quarter turn, insert the SmartKey tool into the SmartKey tool hole, then remove it. Then insert a new key, rotate one quarter turn, and you should be good to go with a new lock that fits your replacement key.

This is a very well made, sturdy, and attractive door knob, and now I will not be able to open my main door when it is locked, which means there is very little chance of locking myself out of my home. Why they even make door knobs that can be opened from the inside when they are locked is beyond me!

I actually saw the SmartKey system shown on one of the popular HGTV shows, and it was being used in a rental unit. This would be great if you have rental property! No more going to the expense of changing out your locks and knobs when a tenant moves out, just replace the keys. A very smart idea indeed!

/ Arts, Guide, Home Improvement

Painting Your Walls Like A Pro

Painting your walls on your own and decorating them is a pure delight if done correctly. This is why you will find that there are tons of ways through which you can decorate your walls according to your taste. For instance, make a paint by number from a photo is really popular these days. Besides that, there are certain important things that you need to keep in mind as you decide to paint your walls on your own.

  • One of the most important things that you should keep in mind as you decide on painting the walls of your house is to wait for the right weather that will aid you in painting your walls. Moreover, painting your walls in humid weather is going to affect your paint adversely as the paint will start dripping and will take a longer time to dry.

  • As you get yourself prepared to paint your wall, you should also make sure that you do a proper inspection of the wall and locating all the cracks and the areas that need sanding. This way you will get the best results as you start painting your wall. If you are not vigilant enough, you are going to lose your money as the new coat of the paint will peel off really easily. Moreover, you should also clean the surface of the wall so that you can paint on a clean surface.
  • In order to get a high quality finish from your paint, you should always use high quality brushes, roller cover, and painter’s tape while painting the walls of your house. With the help of these high quality brushes, you will be able to get better coverage and application that will save you a lot of time and money. While the painter’s tape is the best way to get a really good finish and prevent all the blurs and drips.
  • It is really important that you know about Nap and how it can affect the quality of the paint. This is why it is really important that you know about the texture of your walls and how you can get better coverage using rollers while painting your wall. However, if the paint coats get too thick or thing you might observe an uneven texture on your wall.
  • While painting your walls it is also important that you protect all the other things that are there in the room. Using sheets, newspapers, and plastic bags to cover the floor and doorknobs is going to keep them clean as you paint your walls. This will save you a lot of time during your cleanup as well. Moreover, it is also recommended that you remove outlet covers and light switches in order to keep them clean.
  • Using primer while painting your walls is a really important and essential task. If you have clean walls then you can use paints that have a primer solution in them already. However, if you are painting an old wall then it is really important that you use primer separately. That will help you in keeping your wall smooth and will get you a better paint finish as well.

  • Lastly, it is really important that you paint your walls from top to bottom in order to get the best finish with your walls. Moreover, it is really important that you also pay attention to the layers of the paint as well.

These are the most important things that you should keep in mind as you take on the task of painting your walls.