Saturday, July 27

Building Websites Without HTML Knowledge


Being knowledgable in HTML or any other coding language is not necessary in order to build an awesome looking web-site. The trick is to keep it concise, simple, avoid clutter and try to work with the prefabricated tools and designs that are available rather than trying to get exactly what you had imagined. If you really want to make your site appear the way you’ve imagined, then you should consider learning HTML, or hiring someone else to build the site for you.

Don’t be scared about using the stock designs/tools as they can end up looking very nice. Plan to keep it simple and you should have no problem building a basic web-site at Blogspot, Myspace or any one of hundreds of similar places on the net. The trick is to plan your information around the format that is presented. Choosing the correct template to base that on is vital so consider looking at lots of different templates to find the one that fits you. If you can’t find one that suits you, you should really consider building your own. Your website is almost like a virtual home, you should be comfortable in it!

When you pick a name for your web address, you can buy a top level domain at a very reasonable annual rate ($5-$40) or you can have it hosted for free with some limitations (less freedom in the content for example).

The web address is an important piece of information that you need to have if you want to become an expert in the web field apart from adequate knowledge regarding costo sito web and what role it would play in the level playing field so that the annual rate remains stagnant and the site is given security.

 Make sure to choose the right name for your site for a few reasons:

  • The name itself will factor into the way your site is indexed by Google and other search engines. A site about fishing boats will get a better recognition by the indexing bots if it is at, than it will if it’s at
  • Like product marketing, the name should be easy to remember and appealing. Short is not always necessary. The site may actually be better than because it’s easier to recall and it gives the user a better idea of what kind of content the site will contain.

Once you’ve picked your name and chosen your template you can go to work modifying the template to market your product, or tell your story and ideas. When you use the site-builder provided by your hosting company keep the changes to a minimum because complex changes can create clutter and ruin the aesthetic qualities of your site. Naturally you can always start over from scratch. Nothing is visible on the web until you save the file and nobody will see it until you tell them its’ location.

So that’s the next big project. Once you’ve gotten your information on to their template so it looks good and clicks from page to page and back, you must begin to advertise. Make little changes or additions to your page at least a couple of times a week to keep it fresh, and promote, promote, promote! Put the site URL on business cards. Put it on the back window of your car. Submit it to search engines. Make a link from your social networking sites. Join link exchange sites. Ask owners of similar sites to place a link to your site.

If you find you want to build a more complex site, you can download software that will do it for you, but the outcome is code which is laden with tons of extra characters and tags. My experience is that it’s much easier to learn HTML than it is to learn to use one of these page building programs. Whatever your choices, have fun and always strive to reach your vision. Always save what you have in a safe place before you start modifying your page, just in case you can’t get your new ideas to work. If you find yourself frustrated, try to simplify the design rather than squeeze your new ideas onto a template where they do not fit.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The internet is a hotbed of ideas and knowledge. Utilize it! A simple search will bring up plenty of tutorials for whatever you plan to do and if you really need it, ask on a forum.


About Author

Carlos Smith is a content writer, website developer, blogger and editorial associate. He developed and created Hashtaggedpodcast in 2015. He finished his studies in Western Carolina University.

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