Wednesday, February 12

Driving Through Plumes of Exhaust


During the summer I enjoy driving my little convertible, for the sun, the air, etc. If I have to get in the car and drive, having the top down makes it so much more enjoyable. That is until I get behind a vehicle that is out of tune and belching out a big black cloud of exhaust.

Vehicles, in general, are ruining our air, so I will not argue that point. Cars with combustible engines are a great convenience and a necessary evil in our current way of life, so I am not saying we should all ditch them and walk. We should minimize our driving as much as possible. What I am ranting about today is the car so far out of tune or burning oil that the noxious fumes are stepped up to a level that is obvious to everyone around.

Driving Through Plumes of Exhaust

You’ve all seen it, right? Looking up ahead you see a cloud of smoke that is so think you think a car must be on fire up ahead. Inevitably you catch up to this vehicle as it’s top speed hovers around 35 mph in the current state of disrepair, only to see that smoke is billowing out of the exhaust and perhaps even under the car. Not a car on fire, but one that should be.

I am sensitive to those that may be at financial wit’s end, so car repairs are not exactly up on the priority list. But, when a car gets to this state, it is a hazard to the point that you either need to do something about it or park it.

Driving Through Plumes of Exhaust

The worst seems to be when the diesel trucks get out of tune. When those bad boys stomp on the gas at an intersection you’d think you had teleported to a monster truck rally with the smoke and noise coming out of that thing.

I am grateful my state requires annual safety and emission inspections. It may be a pain to get done, but at least I know that the majority of cars on the road have had to pass at least a minimum level of safety and output level to be on the road. Those cars that are so obnoxiously over polluting (if that is a word) will either be forced off the road or be fixed unless they drive without a license. In any case, it will catch up with them soon.


About Author

Carlos Smith is a content writer, website developer, blogger and editorial associate. He developed and created Hashtaggedpodcast in 2015. He finished his studies in Western Carolina University.

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