Thursday, February 6

Genevieves Notebook Writers Block And How Tarot Can Help


Genevieve’s Notebook is a fresh new feature on Tarot Unlimited. It is advice from Genevieve’s Tarot Notebook just for you. Join me each Sunday for insight from my notebook. Topics vary but they include Tarot, questions from clients, and common sense advice you can use!

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This week in Genevieve’s Notebook, Writer’s Block and how Tarot Can Help. We have all had to face down writer’s block at some point. Whether for a paper that is due, writing a business plan, getting that novel on paper, or writing out your next big idea. Few people think to consult Tarot about their writer’s block. Those that do want to know when the slump will end. Today, I explore Tarot as a tool for overcoming writer’s block with tips and tricks even a Tarot newbie can use.

Method 1: The Elements of a Story

You will need:

  • a full 78-card Tarot deck
  • A bottle, or can, or something that will spin
  • enough floor or table space

What are the elements of a story? Character, Conflict, Plot, Setting, and Theme. This handy video explains it better than I can.

Now that we’re all caught up, and rockin’ out, how does Tarot fit into the five elements of a story? Simple. Arrange all 78 cards into a circle. Find your bottle or can. Place it in the middle of the circle you just created.

Time to Spin the Bottle! The first Tarot card the bottle points is the plot. The next card it points to is the main character. The third spin decides who, or what, the conflict is. Perhaps an archnemesis is in order? The fourth spin becomes the Setting. The final rotation decides the Theme. Have fun writing!

Method 2: Think outside the planet (or inside the microscope).

You will need:

  • King of Swords
  • Queen of Swords
  • a notebook or some method of writing things down
  • your favorite the Pages (Princesses/Daughters, etc.)

In other words, shift your perspective. Imagine the challenges and tasks you would have to overcome if you were on a different planet or inside a drop of dew. To help you with this task, locate your King and Queen of Wordplay Swords. Give the King of Swords the task of figuring out the big stuff (navigation, shelter, food and water, etc.) in this environment. Give the Queen of Swords the task of figuring out the small stuff (daily skills, running the roost, talking to others etc.) and make your favorite Page your Muse. Have fun! When you get stuck, switch to the other Swords ruler. Who is easier to write for: the King or the Queen? Why?

Method 3: “Isn’t it great when I communicate?” -Wilbur, Charlotte’s Web

You will need:

  • a notebook
  • the Court cards

How does the Wands court talk to the Swords court? How does the Cups court speak to the Pentacles court? Do they have the same language, a common tongue? Is the Knight of Wands not talking to the Knight of Swords? Why? This exercise is to think about how the Courts relay messages within the Tarot kingdom. Who delivers them? What do the Courts discuss? Use your imagination and get creative!


About Author

Carlos Smith is a content writer, website developer, blogger and editorial associate. He developed and created Hashtaggedpodcast in 2015. He finished his studies in Western Carolina University.

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