Wednesday, February 12

How to Use Blogs to Generate Web Traffic


Although blogging is a fairly recent phenomenon that came about because of Web 2.0, it has become a legitimate way of publishing. It is an accepted alternative media for people to post their own commentaries regularly on events and happenings that interest them. In a sense, blogging is a smart, wonderful way for people to express themselves on the Net, on anything and everything! Bloggers are in the habit of writing their opinions, ideas, and viewpoints for other people to read and also comment on. Although originally conceptualized as a sort of an online diary, weblogs or blogs have come a long way to include interactive formats where readers can post or leave their comments on what the blogger has written on the site. It is a great new way for people to discuss things that interest them primarily. And because of Web 2.0 features, it is now possible to exchange not only text messages but also videos and photos. Even music and podcasts can be shared on this electronic forum. Considering all this, provides a really great and effective way that new bloggers can use in order to generate more web traffic to their blogs.

For bloggers, they see this enabling electronic medium as a way to take their place in the sun. I know some blog sites that are really excellent in that the writers or bloggers have accomplished something close to excellence. Why? Their comments and discussions are very incisive and provoke people to respond whether negatively or positively. Blog sites are the very epitome of the Internet since the rapid growth of the Internet has been its lack of censorship and its free universal access. From the very beginning, the Internet has been designed to be free to all users and should also be free from any form of censorship. So, blogging has democratized news in the sense that there are no more opaque editorial rooms where unknown people get to decide for you what is good or not.

One of the bright spots of Internet use is the concept of online marketing. People who want to sell something can advertise on several websites to generate traffic and hopefully, click through that converts these visitors to actual buyers. Internet advertising is growing at a healthy clip despite crises in other industries, primarily the downturn in ad revenues of the print industry such as newspapers and magazines. 

Search engine optimization is a must for those planning to venture into the online business. The sheer number of web sites and pages often makes it difficult to find a particular site. Blogging has been used for more than just its social networking value. Blog sites also contain backlinks to so many other sites. This makes it a very exciting fertile field for professional marketers to exploit. Advertising professionals who want to test market a certain service can use a blog site’s membership for opinions and surveys. It rarely fails because this is what experts call as the “collective wisdom of the crowds”. These numerous web links offer a rich area for exploitation by advertisers. After all, Google is not only primarily a search engine. It is also an advertising site and most of its revenues come from advertisers.


About Author

Carlos Smith is a content writer, website developer, blogger and editorial associate. He developed and created Hashtaggedpodcast in 2015. He finished his studies in Western Carolina University.

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