Wednesday, February 12

Selling Your Home Discover The Benefits Of Green Landscaping


Keeping up on your home’s landscaping has many benefits. There are the obvious aesthetic and home design benefits, there are the functional benefits, there are environmental benefits, and there are benefits related to the value of your home. For instance, if you are trying to sell your home, any potential homebuyers drive by a home […]

Selling Your Home? Discover the Benefits of Green Landscaping by Chelsea Selling Your Home? Discover the Benefits of Green Landscaping Keeping up on your home’s landscaping has many benefits. There are the obvious aesthetic and home design benefits, there are the functional benefits, there are environmental benefits, and there are benefits related to the value of your home. For instance, if you are trying to sell your home, any potential homebuyers drive by a home […]

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Keeping up on your home’s landscaping has many benefits. There are the obvious aesthetic and home design benefits, there are the functional benefits, there are environmental benefits, and there are benefits related to the value of your home. For instance, if you are trying to sell your home, any potential homebuyers drive by a home before making an appointment for a showing or attending an open house. If the landscaping leaves a bad impression, they may not make an appointment or you may be inundated with lowball offers. Think of landscaping as formal attire for the ball. You wouldn’t show up in jeans and expect people to take you seriously. You shouldn’t expect to get your full asking price without paying some level of attention to your landscaping. The good news is that you don’t even need to spend a lot of money or effort to get your landscaping up-to-par – you just need some basic main focus points. The even better news – you can do it all naturally. Even better than that, using locally sourced materials and plant species can help your landscaping last longer after you have moved out.

Getting Your Landscaping Ready the Eco-friendly Way

Soil Considerations

Compost is an excellent way to ensure that your flowerbeds and trees will have the necessary nutrients they need in order to sustain a period of time where you may not be present in the home. Compost accomplishes this because it is higher in organic content than just soil alone. As the compost continues to decompose under a layer of mulch, it puts vital nutrients back into the soil. Lay a layer of compost down before you lay down any mulch or stone flower beds.

Phosphorous-free fertilizers can help promote plant, tree, and shrubbery health without promoting microorganism and algae growth. Algae growth is bad for the environment because of the harsh chemicals used to kill algae once they have run-off and entered the water system.

Planting Considerations

Plant locally-sourced plants. Plants that are local to your old house’s ecosystem typically require the exact amount of water that is native to your area. This can help those plants live longer if there is a period of time that no one will be able to come by and water them. This is often the case with homes that are being sold because the previous homeowner may have to move before the home is sold. A little pre-planning can go a long way to ensuring that your plants don’t require a large amount of maintenance (which is obviously tricky at a vacant home).

Irrigation Considerations

If you use stone or hardscaping materials – make sure that they have a way for the rain to drain back into the soil. Adding a gradual slope or using a material that allows for drainage can also help sustain greenery or planted plants with less water necessary from an outside source. If you have selected the location of plants strategically, you should know which areas require more water and dry out more quickly. If you plant plants that require a larger amount of water in shadier areas that dry out less quickly, they should require less irrigation.

You can also add methods of natural irrigation to the same effect. Often, you can add depressed channels in your flower beds below your homes gutters or other runoff sources to help direct the runoff into other areas that need water within the same flower beds and shrubbery. You can also use a natural

elevation change if you have one.

A small amount of pre-planning can have your home looking green long after you have moved. Although, hopefully your landscaping efforts allow your home to move quickly and the new home owners can move in and appreciate your natural landscape.


About Author

Carlos Smith is a content writer, website developer, blogger and editorial associate. He developed and created Hashtaggedpodcast in 2015. He finished his studies in Western Carolina University.

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