Wednesday, February 12

The Truth About Smoker’s Ally: Is This Electronic Cigarette Right for You?


The As-Seen-On-TV product sales are still going strong. The latest invention to hit the market is Smoker’s Ally-an electronic cigarette that contains no tobacco and produces no smoke. The device is composed of three major parts: a lithium-ion battery (complete with glowing LED “ash” tip), a vaporizing atomizer, and one flavor cartridge (which houses that cigarette flavor.) In essence, it’s a re-usable cigarette that you can smoke virtually anywhere. The TV ad for Smoker’s Ally makes the product appear quite attractive to smokers, and features a group of actors puffing enthusiastically on this little electronic replica.

According to the commercial, Smoker’s Ally will help millions of smokers save money, since they can smoke the same “cigarette” over and over again. But as with most As-Seen-On-TV products, consumers will probably have doubts. The chain smoker might see this new product as a dream too good to be true. And in fact, it just may be. Here are a few facts that makers of Smoker’s Ally have provided about their electronic cigarette-and some truths you might discover upon using the device…The British Tobacco E-Liquid will be the best seller for the availability of the vape juice at affordable rates. Some discovering will be unheard for the person so proper research should be done. The use of the device will be excellent for the smoking of the vape juice. The results will suit with the specifications of the person. 

Fact: The starter kit includes a USB charger, a battery, carrying case, and a filter. The kit is free if you purchase a month’s supply of filters (about 20 filters.)

What this really means:

If you’re a diehard smoker, you may find it awkward (and/or time consuming) to charge, re-charge, and assemble your cigarette for just a few satisfying puffs. All in all, the dedication you currently have to your smoking habit will determine whether or not this extra effort is really worth the end result.

Fact: Smoker’s Ally is formaldehyde and tobacco free.

What this really means:

The chain smoker will probably have some serious issues with this product. The addictive properties of nicotine more than likely won’t be replaced with the “pleasant-tasting” vapor that Smoker’s Ally claims to provide. On the other hand, those who are more addicted to the “motions” associated with smoking might be pleased to have an alternative to costly cigarettes.

Fact: The exhaled “smoke” looks real, but is actually just water vapor.

What this really means:

The makers of Smoker’s Ally are proud to announce that you can use this product practically anywhere-in restaurants, in the car, or even the office. While the concept of exhaled water vapor is quite clever, you’d better get used to answering a lot of questions about your vice of choice. Chances are you are seriously going to freak out coworkers if you whip out one of these “cigarettes” in the middle of an office meeting.

Fact: Battery must initially be charged for 3 hours. After that, the charging should taking only an hour or so to regain its strength.

What this really means:

True smokers might get a little fidgety having to wait for the unit to fully charge—and stay charged-in order for them to get their “buzz.”

Fact: After about 3-5 puffs, the atomizer produces less water vapor. You’ll need to let the cigarette rest for about 30 seconds in order to create more “smoke.” Puffing constantly will eventually cause the atomizer to burn out more quickly.

What this really means:

Take a closer look at a real smoker’s habit, and you’ll quickly realize that he/she takes frequent puffs on a cigarette in any given session. If you’re the type of smoker who takes a lot of long hard, drags you might be annoyed if the atomizer must continually be replaced.

Fact: The product has not been approved by the FDA, and is not designed to be an aid to help you stop smoking. This is simply a smoking alternative. Furthermore, those who are pregnant or nursing are advised to refrain from using the product, which indicates that the chemicals therein could be dangerous to one’s health.

What this really means:

It is quite possible that Smoker’s Ally can help wean former smokers off real cigarettes. But don’t look to this product to actually help you stop smoking. Additionally, the Smoker’s Ally website never really tells you exactly what you’re inhaling. However, you’ll discover by reading the User’s Guide, that the cartridges contain propylene glycol. While large quantities of this substance are required to cause any significant health issues, many experts advise against inhaling this chemical. Some users may even be allergic to it, or experience shortness of breath. Ultimately, though having an alternative to a real cigarette might seem like a great idea-you’re still essentially relying on a vice (albeit, electronic) to receive a physiological and/or psychological buzz.


About Author

Carlos Smith is a content writer, website developer, blogger and editorial associate. He developed and created Hashtaggedpodcast in 2015. He finished his studies in Western Carolina University.

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