Thursday, February 6

Tips for Online Money Making


Since you are viewing this article, I’m assuming you are unsure of how to make money online. Don’t worry, a lot of people don’t. There is no get rich quick method that works; making money online is a tough process at first. It can take several months to start to see money come in, but once it does, it can be a nice addition, if not a complete secondary income. Many people quit their “real” jobs to work online. They have to work hard to get there and to stay there, so if you’re ready to work, here’s some steps to assist the journey.

Step 1. Have an Idea.

Yes, this may seem obvious, but you need a solid idea before you can start. Do not expect to just get a quick idea, and work around it, you need to think it through fully. There are all sorts of ideas out there; it is up to you to decide what is best for you. Do you want to start your own website? Do you want to blog for money? Do you want to refer people to other websites? If you would like to start your own, your best bet is to start a niche site.

Niche sites are sites that have a narrow focus. They put all their effort on a group of people. Once your website starts to grow, you can decide if you would like to branch out a bit, or stay with the niche, it depends on the audience you are getting. Niches also include blogs. Most people enjoy niche blogs because it is what they are interested in; they want to know more. If you look at most successful bloggers, they blog about a specific thing instead of a wide spectrum.

Step 2. Create a Plan.

This can go along with step one in a way, but it is an important piece of information, so I made it its own step. You need a plan. Here’s a little checklist, feel free to add on and take away if it doesn’t apply to you.

[ ] How will you draw in your audience?

[ ] How will you maintain your audience?

[ ] How will you profit from this idea?

[ ] What will you offer that other sites similar do not?

[ ] How much do you know about this topic?

[ ] Will you make your own website, or use someone else’s? (Mainly for bloggers)

[ ] How much money do you have to start with?

[ ] How will you get a website design?

You need a means of getting your audience to your site and keeping them there. You will need to show them your site is the best; you need to offer something the other people do not. You need to decide if you will charge customers for a service, or if you will only profit from ads displayed on your site. If you do not know what you are talking about, it will show. You should have a passion for what you are doing. Passion will show through to the audience and they will feel more comfortable listening to you. If you start your own website, you are going to need to purchase a domain name, and web space from a hosting service. Do a little research and see which hosting site offers the most for the money, and if there are any deals around.

Step 3. Put Your Plan Into Action.

If you are making your own website, buy the domain and web space. After that, you will need an attractive design. Take plenty of time in designing this, as an eyesore will drive customers away. It cannot be too large either, as you only have a few seconds to get someone’s attention. If you have the money, hire an expert to design one for you.

Once you get the website complete, start adding your content. Make the pages clearly visible, make sure to have a site map, and a way to contact you. If you know SEO procedures, that will help a lot. Once you get some users, possibly start a newsletter, keep them in the loop. People feel more comfortable in a group.

Step 4. Wait.

This is not an instant moneymaker; it takes time to make money. It takes effort to make money. Most people that try to start online business fail within the first couple of months because they don’t see money. If you stick with it, you can make some good money as well. It may not let you quit your fulltime job, but it could get you a nice vacation here and there.

There are plenty of moneymaking websites out there, but all they can do is give you a few ideas to inspire you. You are the one that needs to take the initiative to start, and follow it through to the end. Do your research on your niche. Make sure you’re not going into something no one cares about, and make sure there isn’t huge competition in that niche, as those both will give you a very difficult time.

While there is no dearth to websites, just be alert and don’t fall for fake ones out there as there are many of them that are lying in wait to siphon off money from you but when it comes to authentic ones, you can definitely try out Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 has it is newer and upgraded version of part 1 with more points in greater detail.


About Author

Carlos Smith is a content writer, website developer, blogger and editorial associate. He developed and created Hashtaggedpodcast in 2015. He finished his studies in Western Carolina University.

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