Thursday, February 6

What Are Optical Band Stop Filters For?


Most people today use optical band stop filters without even knowing it. People may not know what this is in technical terms but we are quite familiar with it in terms of its uses. In this article, we are going to discuss what optical band stop filers really are and what they are really used for. 

What Is An Optical Band Stop Filter?

A band stop filter is sometimes called a notch filter. The main task of this device is to reject and block frequencies that is positioned between two cut-off frequency points. 

Now that doesn’t really seem to make any sense. So, let’s put these terms into proper application. Optical band stop filter is a device that is often used in electronic and radio frequency equipment. To be more specific, you can take a look at some of the real-life uses of optical band stop filter below:

  • Speaker systems
  • Public address systems
  • Telephone technology

Optical band stop filter is typically used as a line noise reducer during cases of signal transmission.

  • DSL and other internet services

Without optical band stop filter, we won’t be able to enjoy the internet this smoothly. The job of this device is to combat disruptions to our internet connection.

  • Guitar amplifiers

In this particular scenario, the task of the optical band stop filter is to prevent the instrument from creating humming sounds as you play the guitar while it is plugged at the electronic device. 

  • Radios and other communication devices

The optical band stop filter is used to prevent the production of specific interference which we specifically know as noise or feedback. Without this device, we wouldn’t be able to communicate appropriately due to the immense number of noises during the communication transaction. 

  • Medical equipment
  • Image and signaling process units

Optical Filtering

The optical band stop filter can do its job in two ways. The first one is through diffraction. This means it will be using an optical system to selectively redirect wavelengths of light. A slit can be used to choose which wavelengths are desired. On the other hand, reflective grating can also be used to attain the same purpose. In this case, however, instead of transmitting the light, it will be reflected. 

The second way for optical band filter to do its job is through filtering by interference. When you use optics with real materials, what happens is that light is attenuated at various wavelengths. One can also utilize an oscillating reflecting surface. This, in turn, will create a destructive interference with the reflected light. 

Optical band stop filter is indeed a wonderful invention. If you are someone who works with electronics, this is certainly something that will come in handy for you. But take note that this isn’t something that you can just pick out in the market and buy. The first thing you need to know is the requirements your devices and electronics need. To do that, you need to be assisted by a real professional and we know just the guy. We invite you to check out


About Author

Carlos Smith is a content writer, website developer, blogger and editorial associate. He developed and created Hashtaggedpodcast in 2015. He finished his studies in Western Carolina University.

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