Wednesday, February 12

Dog Barking Collar – How To Use It Correctly


Dog barking collar is a training tool to help dog owners teach their dogs not to bark. Why would anyone need that tool? Well, if you have got a dog who simply loves to bark, you would understand why. Barking dogs are a nuisance no matter where they are and no dog owners would appreciate a persistent irritating barker no matter how much they love their dogs, and this is especially true for your neighbors who would have to bear with the noise pollution that your dog creates. When it comes to buying a dog barking collar, it should be chosen with care. There are many options such as the Citronella or shock collars. No doubt, the dog barking collar should only be used with headstrong dogs as it will effectively help put a stop to their barking, though care should be taken to ensure that the dog barking collar one chooses should be humane as well as effective in stopping unwarranted barking. There are different levels of correction that one may choose.

The dog barking collar uses technology that sense both sound as well as vibration at the same time and when the two factor is detected, it will trigger the electronic correction. Such collars are able to sense the vibrations within the dog’s throat that occurs during its barking, this is design so as to prevent false corrections that may occur when other dogs bark. One should consider the weight of the dog when choosing a dog barking collar – a weight of eight pounds is generally recommended. There are many different dog barking collars that one can try in the market, and the main consideration is that it should be humane and not give correction by the barking of other dogs. Some of the better designed products will trigger when the dog barks. It will then release a harmless spray of citronella under the chin that will help to surprise and distract the dog, thus making it stop barking. Such a product is very effective to a large extent and also humane. There are also different sizes to choose from and may be purchased in either standard or be of a size that is suitable for smaller breeds. One should take note and try not to use the dog barking collar if the barking problems is the result of separation, anxiety, fear or phobia. The dog barking collar can be a Citronella collar, aversive sound collar, or an electric shock collar. Using one might be able to stop the dog from barking, but they still suffer from the drawback as these collars do not address the underlying cause of its barking.

Using them will not solve the root of the problem. In the long run, this may result in symptom substitutions in which the dogs may take to digging, escaping or becoming destructive as well over aggressive. It is highly recommended that dog owners should use a dog barking collar together with obedience and behavioral training. Only by doing so will solve your dog barking problems that are based on the root cause of barking.  Apart from that, it is also advisable to give your dog all the treatments that he needs or any medication that will boost his health both mentally and physically. There are lots of products available in the market. To help you out, you can visit this site:


About Author

Carlos Smith is a content writer, website developer, blogger and editorial associate. He developed and created Hashtaggedpodcast in 2015. He finished his studies in Western Carolina University.

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