Wednesday, February 12

How A Telescope Mount Is A Need When Stargazing?


Summer is a great time for stargazing! With clear skies and warm air that makes you want to stay outdoors, such a hobby can give you endless hours of pleasure. You can start with a lunar eclipse, then watch meteor showers or a visiting comet. Think about it. The possibilities are endless. With so many Astronomy publications out there, it is no wonder even little kids want to have a telescope!

One of the main factors that you need in a telescope is stability. Without a good mount, the optics are useless. You will also probably move the telescope around, and durability is another factor you need to look for. Any best amature telescope should have stability and durability. And these can only be attained through a good mount.

The Purpose of a Telescope Mount

Remember that telescope works through the use of image magnification. So any corresponding movement is intensified. Vibrations can render the objects blur spoiling all the fun. And this will put off amature Astronomers who are getting into the Science of celestial bodies. Another purpose of the mount if for adjustment. The viewer should be able to move the scope as easy and as fast as possible, depending on the object chosen. If the mount is too tight or too loose, then this will create a problem.

Mount Stability

No matter how good your telescope is, sometimes it needs a few adjustments out of the box. Ensure that you tighten the wing nuts at the top of a tripod. Thus, this is where the legs meet the mount head. And this will avoid shaking or having the scope turning where it’s not supposed to. Check the lower tripod legs. Are they even, or one of them is resting on something that causes irregularity. Sometimes you live in a place where there is an ongoing repair, so you need a mount stabilizer. You can get vibration suppression pads. These pads are round rubber discs. You place between the ground and the bottom of the tripod legs to stabilize it. The purpose of the mount is to be the best aiming device.


Another thing to look for a mount is its foldability. You need this when you are traveling, and you don’t want the hassle of transporting your telescope. Make sure the mounts are sturdy. And they should also stand variable weather conditions and should be free from rusting or deterioration. Some mounts are not good out of the box. So you can apply little adjustments mentioned above. But you should get the best one that is part of the assembly because you will be using the telescope for a long time and you don’t want any pice deteriorating or deforming ahead.


Most people look for optics or other specks when they decide to buy a telescope. But a solid mount that comes with the instrument is also essential. Thus, this will ensure long term enjoyment as you watch celestial bodies tell their histories right before your eyes.


About Author

Carlos Smith is a content writer, website developer, blogger and editorial associate. He developed and created Hashtaggedpodcast in 2015. He finished his studies in Western Carolina University.

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